PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen)(KLK3/801) , CF647 conjugate , 0.1mg / mL
Recognizes a single protein of 33-34 kDa , identified as the prostate specific antigen (PSA). This MAb is highly specific to PSA and stains prostatic secretory and ductal epithelium in both normal and neoplastic tissues. PSA is a chymotrypsin-like serine protease (kallikrein family) exclusively produced by the prostate epithelium , and abundant in seminal fluid. PSA can be detected in the sera of patients with prostatic carcinoma. It is predominantly complexed to a liver-derived serine protease inhibitor , alpha-1-antichymotrypsin (ACT). A higher proportion of serum PSA is complexed to ACT in prostate cancer than in benign prostate hyperplasia.Primary antibodies are available purified , or with a selection of fluorescent CF® Dyes and other labels. CF® Dyes offer exceptional brightness and photostability. Note: Conjugates of blue fluorescent dyes like CF®405S and CF®405M are not recommended for detecting low abundance targets , because blue dyes have lower fluorescence and can give higher non-specific background than other dye colors.